
Let CPU help you keep your computer cleaned up



CPU offers high speed broadband internet service in Northeast Iowa and Southeastern Minnesota.

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Online Technical Support


Don't want to bring your computer in? Let us help you online to resolve your computer issues. SupportGive us a call and then click on the green check mark to get started. 

Tutorial Links

MalwareMalwarebytes Disk Defrag
Windows UpdateWindows Updates Disk CleanupDisk Cleanup



Utility Downloads


CPU provides these utilities as a service to our customers. Using cleanup utilities on a regular basis improves your computers speed and performance. It is important to update these every time you use them to keep the definitions current. While running these utilities regularly will help prevent viruses and other related issues they WILL NOT stop them altogether. Running utilities will keep you computer running smoothly leaving you with less down time.

There are many utilities available. The ones we recommend and provide on this page are ones that we have tested and found to be reliable and work well. Running these utilities will help to detect and remove adaware, trojans, dialers, and other spyware threats.

Running your windows updates is another way to keep your computer running smoothly by keeping your security definitions current. We recommend having your operating system always on automatic update to insure new patches are installed on your computer before threats can reek havoc.

NEVER download anything from an unreliable source or download anything that you are not expecting.